Apples Vs. Oranges

Don’t compare apples with oranges, in this case, I have to. I am not here to pass judgement, however, you as US citizens can make a careful decision.

Apple vs. Oranges, let’s say Trump is an Orange and Kamala Harris is an Apple.

Firstly, Trump seems very good, sweet with some sour aftertaste and he might solve certain problems very quickly like Israel and Ukraine, but under what cost in disguise. Trump for me spells dictatorship and Kamala equals communism. My family and I lived under both German governments West & East Germany after the war. Let me say, for me, democracy is slowly dying and you will have to choose between communism and dictatorship. Choose carefully but for me, communism is the lesser evil. 

I am not a member of any particular state as I am a traveller, a Gypsie so me and my large family live everywhere, that’s enough if you want to read more about what or who I am, go to my website. Right now, I’m not here to judge you, just to give you some advice. First of all, I am glad that I don’t live in America. But it’s so sad because it was and still is a great country with great historical people like Martin Luther King Jr  and John Kennedy. They both got killed for their ideas/ beliefs, well you see, the only difference between them and me is that I want to die or even be killed, you see, I wasn’t born so that I could die like Jesus Christ for the people. No, I am born to die and judge the people/universe which means that after my death, I get to decide to kill just this planet or some lives, or the whole universe. Changes have been already made. 

The future for this planet and all it’s inhabitants is very bleak. Not just by my possible judgement. The so called new world order are talking in disguise behind closed doors, UN conventions, undercover of cop 20, G27 and so on. Creating wars and fake climate changes. Don’t get me wrong, there are climate crisis things created by them and us rest of humans to decide who gets to live and or to die, an example: certain species to die-out or to be re-awoken.
⦁    DNA changes done to us humans slowly through certain foods and quickly through vaccinations, however, some vaccinations are useful.


However, to come back to the earlier subject: Creating wars and fake climate changes.
They are discussing in those secret meetings how the cake is divided as in border changes, see for example, Kashmir, northern India, everybody lies claim to this, bordering countries like: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India to China. What I am trying to say is that all nations are re-creating their new borders, of which I am in reason, a supporter of, if you want to know why, check my website. For me, that means ethnic cleansing and this is happening soon. Sadly, races with too much African and certain races probably won’t be wanted. I think the ones carrying in their purest form of the Neanderthal gene and Asian Denisovan gene will be the only strongest to probably survive, this is what I think but don’t know. There are enough of shit films I put out which I think and believe. Anyway, anything else should be covered for on my webpage. I wish us all the best of luck and a good Christmas as well as hopefully a happy, next good year!? 2025.