New Commandments and Deadly Sins For the New modern 21st Century

Welcome to the new commandments and deadly sins for the new modern 21st Century.

(This GUIDE is meant to educate and remind everyone that all lifeforms should be equal. Religion should not divide us.)
Since the beginning/dawn of civilisation humans have clung to their own religions and cultures, because of many simple obnoxious reasons, so they can set their own guidelines and rules. All in the name of a thing called hope and the control of huge masses of gullible humans.


All religions which were led and created by men are now obsolete, like the religions of Judaism and Islam that believe that they are God's special chosen people or some aspects of religions like Christianity. Institutions like the Catholic church are making the Christian religion worse than it actually is. Humans should be united under one belief and under the same commandments and sins specifically written, compiled and updated for the modern 21st century. 
Humans have always believed to be rulers over every living thing. However, we are and should be the caretakers of all living things. Every single person should live within certain boundaries and rules. Certain things an individual may do in their current life, will reflect badly on what kind of life form they will come back as in their next life. Meaning the badder the person, the lower the organism they will be resurrected as eg. virus, bacteria, air particles. The more good a person is they can be resurrected as a pig, a baboon, a rat and so forth. God's rules, more like previous rules written by humans in the past are obsolete and do no longer apply to today's society. No one should be able to change the past, present or future, as history has to run its course whether it be bad or good. No human should have a GOD COMPLEX or should be able to change time whatsoever period. To sum it all up there is no heaven or hell; all humans/life forms on this planet and the entire universe should be treated equally no matter where or who they are.


The new Commandments:
1. You must not lie with evil intent or fake intent.
2. You should not honour bad family or bad people.
3. You must not steal without intent or bad intent.
4.You must not breed what you do not need. This applies to animals and humans (overpopulation).
5. You must not disrespect other existing life forms, this ranges from everything that is between the sky to the earth and from the sky to the ocean and to the extended universe.
6. You must not force others into servitude or create pointless conflict such as war or protest.
7. You must not kill with evil intent nor must you harm with evil intent, this applies to all existing creatures and things great and small.
8. You must not live in complete ignorance and arrogance, take from others and waste that which is still usable.
9. You must not pollute or disrespect that which gives life or holds life eg. water, fire, earth, earth's resources.
10. You must not go against the natural order of life, for eg. trying to change your destiny since the day you were born (as an example: changing your gender), defying death by trying to outrun it, denying others a chance to live, unnecessary abortions. If you can't have children naturally or via IVF then you are not meant to have children or maybe you should aim for adoption.
11. You must not decide for others or make people suffer eg. suicide, how people live and die. These people shall stand for their own actions. Suicide is a sin because it always creates grief for others and it is an act of greed, however, the only form of suicide that is not completely a sin is one that is caused by/or is voluntary sacrifice for the good of others/true suffering.
12. All animals (that includes humans) are equal, no matter the skin/fur/scales ,colour/gender, flaws/DNA or origins, you must not disrespect this equality, we are not the dominant species, we all have a wish to live and require each other to survive.
13. Limited freedom of expression and speech.
14. True excessive/obsession with oneself, Vanity is evil.
15. You shall not use any further old documents for religious purposes unless for historical references.

16. If you continue to practice banned religion/s or if you socialise with people who still practise banned religion/s, you will be judged accordingly.
The deadly sins:
1. Disrespect. Cruelty.
2. Exploitation.
3. Extortion.
4. Killing unnecessarily. (Murder)
5. Threats. Manipulation.
6. Deception. Deceptive behaviour/actions.
7. Envy/Jealousy.
8. Gluttony, depending on severity.
9. Lust, Adultery, Rape - Incest, paedophilia, non-consent or forced actions etc.
10. Any kinds of unnecessary violence.
11. Stealing - depending on circumstances, (stealing for ones survival in extreme circumstances is a necessity to survive).
12. Lying - Depending on severity of the lie. Living a lie (Narcissism, Egotistic behaviour) Betrayal/Treachery.
13. Vanity.
14. Pride.


The only thing we truly believe in. Is only portrayed in the Christian religion which is the loving bond between mother and child. That being the love Maria had for her son Jesus.

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