Rules of engagement
How should I respectfully start?!
Let’s start like this:
1. Freedom of speech
2. Looking after the environment
3. Judaism/Islam/Catholicism/Religion
5. Lefties/activists
6. Politics/schooling and families
7. History-conspiracy
8. Equality-race-ALM-BLM
1. Freedom of Speech:
Freedom of speech is important as long as it’s done respectfully. Freedom of speech should from now on be restricted. Everybody gets upset about how media handles news, if you can’t handle it don’t watch it! Things that have legally aired on TV/radio/internet should stay on. If it is too harmful things can get blended out, parents however, should be responsible for what their children can watch. (eg. X Elon Musk not taking down a video of a priest being attacked.)
2. Looking after the Environment:
Like I stated before, the most intelligent creature or whoever believes/think they are those with the highest IQ, should be the guardians of their planets in the entire universe.
(eg. As such, that includes the regulation of population growth of everything, especially animal breeding for the consumption of other beings. For the people that freely glue their arses onto the streets for global warming, they should be forced to work using their activism for cleaning up beaches and other land sites, also they should be fined as they take away other people’s freedom to move freely about. If you want to be lazy, go sit in front of your/the parliaments and annoy the shit out of them. To come back to animal farming, we should put a stop to extensive breeding and if doing animal farming, the animals should be entitled to a little peaceful life as well as a peaceful death. Wild animals which need to be controlled in breeding and population, should be used for the consumption of other beings. Examples of these wild animals are: deer, rabbits, wild birds, wild pigs, goats, kangaroos etc. Companies that produce or use the environment for exploiting minerals, gas or other things should be held more responsible in heavy fines and clean ups of trash/landfill, dumped waste. The rest of us who may not behave in regard to the environment should be fined accordingly.)
3. Judaism/Islam /Catholicism/Religion:
All religions are obsolete. For example on the 7th of October 2023 Israel and Palestine were both behaving badly. Also the rest of the world is now cheering on as to who is right or wrong. If religion needs to exist, then only the Christian Protestant religion, if it is only based on the new testament. Any religion should be extinguished. If anything there should only be a religion governed or founded on the beliefs of nature.
There’s nothing wrong with LBGTIQ, however, the T has to be removed/taken out of it. People who believe they are transgender are mentally ill and are people that suffer from gender dysphoria, when they are 18 years old, they can make their own decisions by going to a hospital. Where they can then have surgery to change themselves into the opposite gender. However, it should be illegal to consider themselves an actual biological woman or man. There is no shame in wearing the clothes of a man or woman but it’s wrong to believe or think you are one. If they do the gender surgery, they should cover the cost of their own surgery. Furthermore, how can humans ever learn to respect and worship nature if they can’t even respect the laws of nature? In addition to this ideal, just because others say it’s impossible, doesn’t mean you can’t try, as long as you live with the conscience and reality that some things are virtually impossible within the laws of nature.
5. Lefties/Activists:
Lefties tend to come from a background of rich families, righties tend to be mostly from poorer hard working backgrounds and are sometimes less educated. Lefties have more time to be emotional and righties don’t have enough time to be emotional. Lefties are mostly socialist/communists/democrats in reason, righties are mostly republicans/fascists/dictatorships. Note: Lefties are not defined by being left handed and righties are not defined by being right handed!
6. Politics/Schooling/Families:
Political activists should hold politicians responsible. People with good politicians should pass laws and shouldn’t be continuously changing like fashion does. All criminals should be harder and differently punished/charged, say one would use AI technology to punish criminals? The things that law enforcement bodies use to punish criminals these days are ridiculous. An example are ankle bracelets which criminals could remove with ease. Maybe there are technologies where you can implant sim card technology with light electrocution. When electrocuted, for incorrect behaviour, they end up unconscious so police then collect them, then put them back in prison to serve out the remainder of their sentence/time. Sorry, but the death sentence must be reintroduced for murderers, if proven beyond reasonable doubt and DNA (even if a murderer tries to plead their innocence for any type of mental insanity. Accidental deaths caused by a person who was under the influence of a substance (eg. drugs and things taken for recreational use like marijuana, cocaine, alcohol etc.) - the death sentence needs to be implemented especially for the psychopaths/mental headcases and any kind of crime committed by someone resulting in someone's death; whether accidental or intentional). The severity/duration of the death sentence would then depend on the crime committed, for instance someone who would intentionally kill someone would receive the longest and worst death imaginable whereas someone who accidentally killed (accidental depending on the circumstances for eg. drug abuse) someone would receive a quicker, less painless death and so forth. Sexual deviants should be castrated and a certain amount of fingers/toes are to be removed but in a way so that they are still able to work. Schooling, free schooling and kindergarten should only be available for working families, other families can opt for paid education, lazy people can do it themselves by home schooling but these families would need to be tested by the government, similar to naplan testing on a yearly basis, if not taken seriously, parents should be warned. If the government is then not taken seriously, the kids should then be taken away and put up for adoption unless the kids have learning difficulties.
Parents have to teach their children a minimum of basic maths which contains: Division, multiplication, addition and subtraction, telling time, understanding money etc. Minimum of basic grammar such as reading and spelling. History regarding the truth about the world wars such as world war 1 and 2, colonisation, science, and the simple fact that God didn’t create the world in seven days as well as other important stuff. Sex education, drug education should also be taught, if young people then destroy their own bodies through drug use/sex, they shouldn’t be entitled to medication, blood or organs, last but not least they should cover their own costs/expenses for doctors and hospitals. For example in Australia the NDIS should be cancelled and should go back to Medicare. If the social system gets abused there is nothing left for anyone. Families should only have kids if they are mentally and financially ready and have time. IVF should only be covered by Medicare for people who are financially challenged/low & middle income families.
IVF should only be available to good people/couples/single parents that have fertility problems/want to have children. If you can't then have children, then maybe you are not meant to have children, you should be able to adopt more easily in the country where the potential adoptive parents live. Potential adoptive parents should/must not be from within family of friends and no money exchange.
7. History - Conspiracy:
Both these ethnic groups (Jews & Gypsies) were experimented on, raped and the same is happening now again right under our eyes. One of the families before and during the war, which was one of the biggest supporters of Hitler in Germany was the pharmaceutical company Bayer. Who created medications for soldiers to take in Germany and Japan to be able to be brave soldiers. In return Hitler made one of the daughters a poster child for the Aryan Race which was shown during the Berlin Olympics, there were more but too many to mention.
I am writing all this, in the hope that humanity will change, I don’t see this happening, some of my kids are still hoping!?
Here are some reasons why this will not happen:
- Climate change and G7, G20 in charge of that.
- To some degree fake wars; Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, again G7 & G20 using the hatred between these nations.
- Creating famine – again G7 & G20 which help the origin country and their enemy.
- Other foreign countries pay politicians money into their private bank accounts, for instance Africa and South America where their governments tell their farmers when to farm and what, completely changing a nations diet making them dependent on grain.
- USA created Isis and sponsors Hamas and more.
- The new and biggest poster child for today's looney tunes is Greta Thunberg also working with G7 & G20, hence forth, ‘Nobel Prize’. You can research this all yourselves.
8. Army; Race; Equality:
Every country shouldn’t have or need armies anymore. However, countries will probably still require the army because of very dangerous and stupid people or dangerous mass migration.
Eg. terrorism brought in by other people; other factors to consider in future - mass migration shouldn’t be allowed anymore, everybody should be contained in their country of birth. Only if a country needs you for a particular important reason, migration can then be allowed. Paid or married migration should be a criminal offence. People creating a mess should stay and live with their mess. You can not help everybody.
There shouldn’t be any race between races.
To all ALM and BLM activists read equality.
To all indigenous people of the world, white people also still have indigenous people they are called Samis and live on the northern tips of Norway, Sweden, Finland but mainly in Norway.
This is specially for indigenous Australians; you are one of the oldest nations but not the oldest, Africans and Europeans are just as old; they also have proven oral traditions and cave paintings. The oldest nation is the country of India which have proven written documents, oral traditions and caves and are by far in any way the most interesting race.
Like previously stated everybody is equal no matter what race, colour or gender, culture, age and differences in general.
You can like or hate this document, it’s your choice. These are my thoughts I had the last couple of months. I must say I am really disappointed with humanity. March 2026 remember I mentioned on the previous pages, I am so sick and tired from living that I don’t want to carry on, so basically since 2010 I made myself slowly sick. I suffered a huge stroke which I survived which I shouldn’t have, the doctors called it a miracle and I still linger on for my many children. How many it doesn’t matter, let’s say more than two, but I am the last of what we call the pure line. As a child I was very rebellish and not wanting to live. My family had carved my destructive behaviour through very tough parenting. After gaining certain gifts I became very strong but also very destructive, always out to hurt or kill myself, especially humanity!! My brainpowers made my body very sick. My family used this to cause my being to change. Let’s call it for the better??!! My DNA and blood was somewhat changed through sickness. My grandmother changed my gifts so I can only use them for self defence, however, over the years I was able to free myself a little of it and was able to use certain things for fun. However, using it made me very sick again causing a big stroke in AUG 2013. The mixture of my own rebellish children and memory of my own childhood. Brutality, constant sickness and moving about all over the world for the protection of my family and especially myself. After my parents dumped their burden onto me as soon as I was out of the womb, forced by my family to have children myself just in case, my children are now living in hiding themselves.
Except I didn’t pass my burden onto anybody else, the buck stops with me. However, most of their DNA and blood changed as well for protection. I myself live more out in the open now and not in so good terms with the rest of my family. My burden of which I haven’t given to humanity yet, as I have given all of you more extended time, let’s say you are lucky I had kids and that I wanted to have a little more life for my children, but now it’s more than enough. They have been taught what to expect and let’s say they are getting slowly ready within themselves. However, can anybody be prepared to think about death. Humanity has searched for such a long time for me and now that I am here, everybody has proven themselves to be worthy of punishment. All are very sick, mental, perverted and there’s lot’s of particular selfish people, so I am not sure if I can give you till March 2026. My children with the gift of foresight (seeing the future) want to go ahead ASAP!!! So in doing what I am doing now I will/shall wither myself, I feel it pending but I don’t know when, nobody can see past it’s own existence, it was set up like this. Aliens have proven themselves to be just as bad as humans. So therefore no more heavens above. So if you are/were bad, you get straight away recycled to the lowest lifeform possible; the good ones get to be humans again. Aliens will have shorter lifespans. Like I said, I don’t care about what you have to say or cry, in this lifetime I lived through them all, other pastlives were bad, but this was the worst. I experienced dishonesty, brutality, seeing murder, rape and more than half of my family/relatives were killed in the holocaust and were experimented on. Even after a long time, Germans weren’t given forgiveness. They themselves had to suffer a lot during the war and after the war which nobody talks about!!! Did you know that Hitler was made by certain rich people to become what he was for their own personal gains; they sacrificed certain kinds of people both the gypsies and Jews.
Let’s finish with this: Wake up before it’s too late, if not already. Maybe you can do a quick U-turn.
Go to this website for more conspiracy videos:
To All Idiots of the World,
1. To Australia your current Prime Minister (Cheesy Albanese) is an Idiot & some of his ministers even more like Mr. Marles. Wanting to send Australian recruits to Ukraine, may I remind you when former Prime Ministers/ALL IDIOTS sent soldiers somewhere else like the WW1 to Turkey & WW2 to North Africa. Australia was left alone to deal with it’s own problems like bad weather events & in WW2 the Germans and Japanese dropping in your own backdoor.
Germans 1941 – Western Australia, Shark Bay
Japanese 1941/42 – Northern Territory, Darwin
And you seriously want to send your people to Europe where you have Chinese warships pretending to do friendly war-games where they encircle the entire Australian nation above as well as below. To top it all off, right now all of you are also facing major weather events.
2. To USA, still so far so good. Here is just a word of advice. Don’t sack people that work in health, science, army & people that most importantly work for the environment. Be careful who your view as your friends eg. Russia, pretty sure they have their eyes on Alaska & your neighbour Canada already. Do not send your armies to Ukraine, you will need your armies for your own country pretty soon. You can help by sending aid. To President Trump, teach your son Baron to be good and useful, teach him good important knowledge so his future and family becomes good as well for your nation if it’s not locked in wood yet :-)
For Guidelines: How to engage with each other go here:
3. To Europe & Asia: It’s your job to help each other, not who is the biggest landowner/oppressor.
To Europe (!!?? Russia): If you really want Ukraine to stay independent, then help them, but if you just support them through aid/money you are not really helping at all, because they (Russia & Ukraine) are behaving like little children/cry babies until the end of time itself. Personally I really care only mostly historically for Russia/Ukraine, they should be one!
It’s so sad to see, I do feel for all the people there but you can’t force them to love each other, but it’s possible to for the two nations to come together peacefully, my ancestors were able to do so as they are mainly Russian/Ukrainian. Well I have stated enough, let’s finish this way, something has been organised/coming your way very soon. MAEA CULPA, sorry if you can’t sort it out between yourselves; this has to happen & will happen, ask your scientist to glue their eyes to their telescopes.
Africa & Middle East: For all of you , you are very special to me, you will receive the best of the best, you will not know what's gonna hit you & where. Killing the innocent just because of have different beliefs!!!! All of you really gonna get it! :-0
MAEA CULPA -------------------------------------------->→ AMEN

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